Sunday, April 28, 2013

Frank Burns Google+ Statistics

I suppose we can go by using any name we wish to use but I made the dubious error of using an alias, instead of my real name? I thought that was the way everything worked online, so many funny names were spread over multiple platforms, it was hard to dissect and swallow? Now hopefully, I am seen to my follower's and those who believe in me, that I may have some worth as A_Googler in the scheme of things! frank burns Google+ Statistics

Bellicose Beliefs: Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

You will notice my name appear in other formats but I'm still, and always will be, myself. Bellicose Beliefs: Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

Google Takeout

Before Google takes down Reader, I would like to retain and preserve as many feeds and links possible. I see there is useful and current Information embedded within and if they don't inspire developers, people will gain a lot of insight and benefit, as to how companies think and evolve their websites and companies. Google Takeout