Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bob Dylan's Guitar Falls Under Hammer

Bob Dylan was Steve Job's musical hero that helped formed and inspired Steve's advanced thinking that kickstarted Apple.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Photo Helps Widower Get Back On Feet

When I hear people around me saying that they can't do anything without money, I really do feel for them.

This Editorial was done on my behalf by the_west newspapers in 2011. I had sold my Mitsubishi Lancer in Albany (WA) and I headed for Perth on a seemingly  long journey, fraught with many obstacles and discoveries.

My first night spent sleeping on a park bench was a little rough on my tired body but I walked around quite a lot on that night, distributing the proceeds from the sale of my car to the homeless.

I went down to my last two dollars, heading for an Internet Cafe in Barrack Street.

Gamble, Luck or Fate, either way I put my life in my own hands because I above all people, believed in myself, and true inspiration formed its own cycle of strength.

Few people although some millionaires have simply gifted their entire wealth to the poor, have got back on their feet.

Some have tried and others have failed. I would like to think my journey was a real chance for self-discovery and belief in the skills I had learned in my lifetime.

I acheived a great many things as a homeless man, even signing Barack Obama's third birthday card, visiting Parliament House advocating for the Rights of 35,000 other homeless people who had no voice of their own, raising $100,000 for the Perth Disability Support Rally and other good tidings that will pass in the hallways of time, all done with just two dollars to my name.

And if one person can do all of this and more, there is simply no excuse why others should give up.

If you believe in yourself, you will attract positive thoughts as you begin your own journey of life.

The photograph you can see me holding, with the Auditor General in tow and a family lawyer, I almost had my very own ABN and business partnership because of it and intended sales.

My Dream was to allocate %20 of all sales to Telethon but because of loss of Interest by the Australian public, I rescinded the partnership due to poor sales.

That left me on a boat without a paddle and despite the wrath of the government, because both my wife and I both agreed to give our assets away, I really felt naked and vulnerable. But in this life I have, I was willing to take the biggest risk, albeit whatever the outcome.

As I look back, I think Sylvia and I could have done things a little better than we did but we wouldn't have changed anything for all the money in china. That's just who we were.

A number of prominent buyers were on the list, including DK Lillee Promotions in Subiaco.

Recently, I made a 'Deed Of Gift' to UWA in the hope not just for preserving the original photograph but in years to come, through their sales to students here in Australia and abroad,one day in the future they might have  the funds to build a new science lab or faculty on campus.

Dare To Dream, but dreams do come true if you have the right mindset and determinable strength to put Words into Action, nothing is impossible.
Frank Burns

2013 ;-)


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Superpages - Location Finder

You can Save at the Gas Pump by going to: www.gastips.com and that's good for motorist's, but when you are on the go you need a reliable mobile App to find exactly what you are looking for. Try #SuperPages via Google Play Store and give it a whirl! : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superpages.android

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Kingdom Of Kandy - Sri Lanka

According to an Email from the Western Australian Museum, the recent donation of a Persian plaque by me is known to be from Sri Lankan mythology.

The plaque or (bronze plate) could be between the 14Th - 18Th century.

Either way, I advocate all recognition to both my late wife Sylvia and her father, Frederick George Baker, for protecting this symbol in safekeeping over the duration of their lifetime.

Finally, this plaque has found a resting place where future generations may experience a connection to ancient history.

For my own undertaking, I was just the delivery man.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Online Privacy Concerns

I make the point as obvious as it is to every Google user, that by sharing our personal information, Identity with them whilst using their propietary software "means in torte", we give Google unrestricted access and consent to  use our details as they see fit.

In the mobile age of communication new parameters are at play and if users are uncomfortable, they have the option to close their accounts if they wish to.

I stand firm of my opinion for NSA regulatory monitoring, given early access to certain keywords entered by users on subject matter of chemical compounds, will aid the NSA with crucial analysis of a likey incursion or threat.

We must remember, our very existance and lifestyle has been compromised and in order to protect & defend, early warning systems need to be in play before an event, not after.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Strange Visit

Parked in a rest area between Kalgoorlie and Southern Cross, a strange unexpected relationship formed between myself and a baby Kookaburra.

They don't usually come within range of humans but as we decimate their habitats, this was a rare chance meeting.

I had just stocked up on foodstuffs at Coles so I had a quandary of items in the car to feed this elegant bird with.

He wouldn't accept fresh bread so logic kicked in and I opened a can of Spam (Meat).

Now that was much to his liking and whilst perched on my side mirror, I gave him a generous helping of tasty meat he appeared to enjoy.

When his table manners subsided, he stood waiting for me to take his picture,he probably wanted to be a Star!

I never imagined the power of photography could be so great that in storytelling, a simple Image added with many others could be used collectively towards saving our wildlife species.

Sir David Attenborough has devoted much of his life capturing raw footage of the Animal Kingdom in a joint effort to inspire us to protect & preserve their habitats, free from poachers and slaughter.

I was numbed when my visiting Kookaburra was accepted at WWF, it isn't something you expect when you do your best for animals and birds.

Be Inspired to belong to something Big, grab your cameras and join into the world of sharing.


An Artist's Perspective

I stroked every brush with love and detail depicting the road to crucification on the last day of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Painstakingly ensuring my work was immaculate, I crouched on my hands and knee's throughout the cold of night until I had finnished my masterpeice.

I painted this grecian urn so that a symbol of my faith was ever present.

It was and will always remain a treasured memory.

A Beautifully Designed Italian Family Home

As it was in 1998-99 it still reflects the same grace and quality located at Midvale, WA.

A Very Reliable Mitsubishi-Lancer

In 2010 I had less than 50,000 klms on the spedometer and after selling the last castle in Bruce Rock (WA), I headed for Tasmania.

I drove to Perth before making my epic journey visiting my wife's grave and collecting soil samples to take with me on my travels.

I had a small woden box with an Image of a Polish church engraved and posted from Poland of which, I housed sacred soil, taking memories of a gutsy hard working soul with me.

Everywhere I went I never quite felt alone, I recanted the many things and places I visited with a mark of respect to one I loved so much.

Bob Jane Tyres fitted 15" wheels & rims on the Lancer and it gave better road handling and stability on the road.

It sure paid off in tassy, some of their inter-connecting roads were very narrow around Queenstown, and I was confident I had made the right decision to enhance my car.

For the most part of my time in Tasmania I was handing out donations to the homeless and cherry pickers who flocked over for the seasonal work.

Many were distraught and slept alongside river banks that offered no comfort from the cold.

Over many weeks to follow I travelled several times to Darwin knowing full too well, the time clock was running heavily against me.

I arrived at Alice Springs one morning after driving through heavy rain and thunderstorms throughout the night.

It was still dark with fork and sheet lightning shrouding the town.

I made a very poor judgement by turning off the Stuart highway on a shortcut back road to Hall's Creek via Hamilton Downs.

A hundred kilometers inland, I stopped the car on this very narrow road and the wheels began to sink in the mud.

I had never ventured off a major highway ever before and I realized with the onsurge of rain around me, had I become marooned, I would have had to rely upon rescue teams to save me.

I just turned the car around with much difficulty and as sunrise opened before me, I found myself driving through nine floodways with water levels up to the window.

A flotilla of four wheel drive vehicles approached me from the other direction, flagging me to stop as I would not make it through.

I certainly proved them wrong, the engine conked out on one crossing but I stayed calm and it started without problem.

When I reached the highway, at the crossroads there was a parking bay where I checked the vehicle and cleaned it.

Oddly enough, there wasn't a drop of water on the inside of the car and I praised the car maker for creating a very reliable vehicle.

This is my story of a Lancer ES.

Support Software Writers

Millions of people search through Wikimedia & Wikipedia daily but have you ever stopped to think about the long hours of formatting text and Images for the search results you were looking for!

I donated $100 USD to help Wikimedia's writers stay on top of site costs, not because I had to, but because I wanted to show an arm of support to the foundation.

I never imagined I would be writing a blog on Blogger about anything I did years ago, but it is not just about me, it is about helping freelance writer's continue to provide the best material researchers need to access.

Now that my eyesight is failing, I may as well get my thoughts down and ask the question; Will You Support Open Software so that future generations will have a wealth of Information at their beckon call!

Thank You


Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2003

After my wife Sylvia & I bought an Italian house in the identical street where I now reside under Homeswest, we subdivided the property with a loan from St George's Bank.

After one year of living in this beautifully decorated family home, 1998-1999 we sold it and donated all proceeds to charity.

A few months later our Skyline Ti broke down and we were saved by Glenn at Darwoo Nissan where we bought our first new car, an incredible high performance Lancer ES.

Sylvia had just turned 97 and was full of love and adventure. One morning around 2:30am she awoke me from sleep and said in an alarming tone, "Darling if you truly love me you would take me for a drive", but a long drive.

Two days later with our two bezengie dogs in the back seat we arrived at Lake Kunnunarra.

So in many ways, Esanda Finance and Mitsubishi helped fulfill 'Our Dreams'!

Thank You MITSUBISHI for your advanced technology at that time in our lives. :::

Open an Adsense Account & Donate Your Earnings to World Charities.

If all Google users took the time to open an Adsense account, over time as your earning metrics grow, wouldn't it be something to watch how your efforts are building towards a global fund.

Add in Plaxo and Squidoo, a few Hubpages and products and experience a world phenomenon not seen before. If all it takes to defeat Poverty is one sound Idea, we could comfortably sleep at night, knowing that we used our lives in the best manner we could to save mankind. #thinkingwithgoogle


Listening To The Right People

I should imagine with cyber security threats being as high as they are, some would prefer to avoid guest speakers on the topic but I kept my ground, wanting to learn about how to do things the right way.

Sound Advice is far and few between online and if you find a mentor that teaches best practices, you can't go wrong. I appreciate commonsense and the time Matt devotes to his keynotes.


Help Petey get a Van for his Birthday

Whilst I was living at Bruce Rock, WA I received a request in an Email from someone in America.

At the time, I was a member with the Tyra Banks Show and I recall reading an article about Motor Neurone disease or Dysostrophy. I immediately responded to the request by simply writing to GMC asking if they and Ford could put their heads together, donating a Van with wheelchair access at the rear.

Sometime later I read that CBS America hosted the giveaway with Oprah Winfrey in attendance. I donated an Adword software product to help Jason earn a decent living that would support Petey's ongoing medical expenses.

A lot of generous Internet marketers pooled their resources into a "pool" to contribute to his birthday event. Doing something for someone you may never meet helps define the qualities in all of us, thay makes us human.

This was Petey's Birthday Wish.


Define Divine Intervention

In all the sciences, how do we know what is real when we see something out of the ordinary. How could we imagine we witnessed something that is divine, do we have the authority to guess. I'll leave the academic answer to those experts in the field of discovery. Was I justified in taking and sharing this photo!

What An Incredible World

If I had wished for so many twitter followers my account may have been forced closed by their developers, but in the world as we know of it, if our aim to do good is true, then universally we can approach every problem for mankind, by standing united together as 'One Voice'.http://twittercounter.com/untactical000

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


How do we define a professional blog! What works best ... just be yourself and don't try to be someone you're not. I never imagined for one moment that I could ever write let alone publish a blog, that is until I opened an account with Google. I rambled and raved to myself how perfect I wanted my first blog to be like and many times in seeking perfection in my writing style, the further away from realization I became. Testing and tweaking my blog acheived nothing but sheer frustration. As a Guide to anyone wanting to start their very first blog, don't rush in to publish it. Give yourself time to think about the people who may read it and try most of all, to keep a little bit of natural clarity to your topic. One such blog I wrote in 2009 I'd almost forgotten about and it recently manifested itself before me. Form your own opinion if you read my blog but all I ask, is that you try to imagine the odds stacked up against us both. Time was closing the life span of Sylvia and in creating a "time-capsule", it is through that memory I cherish the most. http://untactical000.wordpress.com

Captain Harry Baker and Sylvia - 106 Years Ago

To all aviator's and flight crew personnel who may have flown in the Million-Miler's-Club, notably George Burns, O.B.E. at Qantas in Sydney, here is a rare glimpse of Harry and Sylvia 106 years ago. It is strange for me when I remember and pray for Sylvia (De Profundis Prayer) on www.about.com that my personal memories are thrown aback with images like this. Married for almost 17 years, losing Sylvia, aged at 102 years young. Life is never what we wish for, it is much like the 'Law Of Attraction' because when you least expect it, something wonderful fills your heart with Love.

Photo Helps Widower Get Back On Feet

Pictured here holding a photograph in the same spot where the original was taken in 1916, I stood before all Australian's as a proud though self-made homeless man. Edited by Katherine Flemming, Editor at @the_west (newspapers) I tried to propel myself back to Independence by marketing this photo. The original won Second Prize before Queen Mother at the Empire Exhibition in London in 1917 during world war 1. I wanted above all to test my skills and become elevated through hard work and effort, even as a homeless man just fighting to survive. A few copies were sold and my heart sank because I thought I had failed. Now as I am cared and provided for under the umbrella of our govt, I am donating this photo with all entitlements and copyright to UWA.edu. Perhaps after they have preserved it, they could sell copies to local and oversea's students which may one day pay towards a new science lab or campus facility. History really does have it's own place in time and the only way that people can enjoy it, is if it is properly cared for and housed so that all can take a glimpse of how the past really was.

Speed Record Broken - 1926

Harry Baker broke the Speed Record on a Brough Superior Motorcycle near Kalgoorlie, Western Ausralia in 1926. The Sunbeam Motorcycle was also in the race on Lake Perkolilli. Sylvia tagged along and recorded the event of which, I can faithfully write in this moment of time. The Cup is housed along with Harry's portrait in the Kalgoorlie/Boulder Library. I drove from Bruce Rock just to get these two local history items housed at the Library because I knew, community Interest into their own town would spark excitement. I am glad that they have both items and I encourage readers worldwide to build and preserve as much of the past as you can. Not everything has a monetary price tag.

Paddy Whelan Rescued

Both Harry & Paddy just glad to have made the long journey back to Perth after Harry had repaired his damaged plane.

Kalgoorlie/Kambalda Public Library

Captain Harry Baker

Harry flew with A.N.A. and he also flew the Skywalker aircraft on the First Innagural trans-pacific-flight after peace time. His own plane the "Klemm" was used for the perth to kalgoorlie mail run. Harry fitted floats on his plane flying over to Rottnest Island but Woods got the creditation according to Sylvia, my wife and Harry's sister. Harry flew out from Perth to rescue Paddy Whelan who was searching for Lasseter's Reef a gold stream. Landing roughly on a salt lake, his plane crashed ending up in a belly-flop. Using local tree vines he repaired his plane and brought paddy safely back to Perth. This portrait was hand painted by Sylvia and along with a Cup Harry won in 1926, I donated both to the Kalgoorlie/Kambalda Public Library in the same year of 2008 after I lost Sylvia. Watch out for Harry's motorcycle Cup Image, that is another story to write.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Free Web Extension Picks Out The Most Tweetable Sentences From Articles

Off topic but I thought, apart from sharing the content from MediaBistro, I would pitch in and add a suggestion to Twitter.

I have tried unsuccessfully to impregnate this same idea with Google, so here goes nothing!

If Twitter built a large "Blue Bird" at their headquarters and just below the neckline, they instal a LED Screen which displays the latest #Top Tweets being downloaded direct from Twitter's servers.

In malls and entertainment area's, the same could be built and it would be an #Instant hit for people of all ages.

The benefit's would be, that users and tweeter's don't have to be online or using their mobiles when they are with family or friends, or even enjoying a lunch break from the office.

They can collate and harness the important and relevant tweets they find appealing and when they get home after a grueling day at the office, they will have a calendar spread of the lastest and best tweets to work with.

Why not use the company logo (Bird) and promote your business for a marginal cost of building these displays.

Everybody wins either side of the feather!

Free Web Extension Picks Out The Most Tweetable Sentences From Articles

Friday, May 3, 2013

Virgin Unite - User Profile

As a member of virgin-Unite, I never wanted to get kudos or reward badges for anything I did towards helping others. It's either you are passionate and serious about reducing world poverty because there are real people who depend upon the actions you make.

Take for instance the 'Children's Heart Foundation at Chennai, India; http://www.chdinfo.com/chdaware/howdonate.htm

What we generally take for granted is the difference of survival in many landscapes of poverty and I suppose the real message is, "How connected are You to making positive changes" that will inevitably raise hope and strength to millions.

When I opened 'My Account' I had the same philosophy then as I still have today, nothing much has changed, except that now I don't have the (money tool) to contribute.

I have posted various reference links (not for self-promotion) but as an act of socially minded engagement as to some things I have been able to accompolish in my life, not forgetting the astuteness & dedication of my late wife Sylvia.

Where I am today is exactly where I wanted to be, it's a little rough, but choice decisions in life are final, and I'm happy with that.

Read more .... Editorial thewest: http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/wa/9098758/photo-helps-widower-get-back-on-feet/

And you can always contact (Today Tonight): http://7perth.com.au/view  and get a little more info about who we were.

Virgin Unite - User Profile

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Frank Burns Google+ Statistics

I suppose we can go by using any name we wish to use but I made the dubious error of using an alias, instead of my real name? I thought that was the way everything worked online, so many funny names were spread over multiple platforms, it was hard to dissect and swallow? Now hopefully, I am seen to my follower's and those who believe in me, that I may have some worth as A_Googler in the scheme of things! frank burns Google+ Statistics

Bellicose Beliefs: Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

You will notice my name appear in other formats but I'm still, and always will be, myself. Bellicose Beliefs: Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

Google Takeout

Before Google takes down Reader, I would like to retain and preserve as many feeds and links possible. I see there is useful and current Information embedded within and if they don't inspire developers, people will gain a lot of insight and benefit, as to how companies think and evolve their websites and companies. Google Takeout

Friday, March 8, 2013

frank burns Google+ Statistics

Google Plus: It's rewarding to have one of three major social media platforms to choose from.

Facebook is a little hard to navigate at times, and all the Intrusion news we hear about, leaves a certain taste of confusion and uncertainty?

Google first started out with #BUZZ, and I thought it was quite good, compared to other programs I had seen over past years.

Google Plus is easy to use, but I would have thought that the developers could have created automatic keyword entries based upon #user-likes.

Having to attach a category field is time consuming, a waste of clock time and a little bit daunting.

The ("circles") are okay, but I think people should only have followers, owing to their particular Interests.

What is the point of amassing millions of followers, if you only get feedback and recommendations from a few hundred followers?

Twitter is the same, following someone just because they follow someone you know, but let's be totally honest and realistic!

Who is really Interested in following who, and what are their reasons for wanting to #tag along?

Is it a #stats thing, because in the real world, very few people follow anyone.

You just gotta #Love Google when you're connected to them, all else is elementary and dull!

frank burns Google+ Statistics

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

TMZ Catches Sergey Brin's Wife, Anne Wojcicki With Google Glass

A lot of these facts were written in the Ycombinator.pdf that was sent to me but I thought, on the basis of privacy, not to share or disseminate that information. I think both Larry and Sergey have done a wonderful job creating a range of services for it's users and the world populace, Information access and sharing has become widely accepted today and that is a good thing. They deserve to keep moving forward with building and improving Google.

TMZ Catches Sergey Brin's Wife, Anne Wojcicki With Google Glass

Monday, February 25, 2013

I am the target market for the Chromebook Pixel, and I do not get it at all | ITworld

With the new release of #Chromebooks, I wonder if the developers might care to make individual, serialized chromebooks for IT management personnel, Google, Twitter and facebook developers.

Using Google Plus, I don't think it is appropriate to follow certain types of people just because they have shared their profile.

If privacy issues are a growing concern, then one of the best ways of filtering out the 'Bad seeds', is to create personalized versions of chromebooks for high flyers within the Internet Industry.

For example: You could only communicate with Marissa Mayer's or Sergey Brin, if they invited you onto the server that runs and stores their personal information.

If you haven't been invited and you are not a part of the ("Inner Circle"), then you wont have any success at all by trying to link-up with anyone?

It would be a good idea for the Royals and Celebrities, they could simply communicate strictly with their target audience without interferrence or compromise.

Governments might also follow suit because it would be deemed favorable to keep confidential Information away from peering eyes, that might otherwise jeopardize a forthcoming election.

In summarization, as I write this as a suggestion, please don't forget to give attribution to the original story writer from whence this Story originated - { http://www.itworld.com/mobile-wireless/344160/i-am-target-market-chromebook-pixel-and-i-do-not-get-it-all?source=ITWNLE_nlt_countdown_2013-02-25 } .

I am the target market for the Chromebook Pixel, and I do not get it at all | ITworld

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Legal firms circle child abuse probe as victims could swamp royal commission | The Australian

On the legal basis of making a 'Claim', each person must take into account, the full set of circumstances owing to the time, place and event.

We must also address the issue that, in years earlier, there were no human resources available to offer counseling for either the victim or the perpetrator and human adaption was limited by the sheer lack of community understanding of such matters.

In the case of physical abuse, I believe that consolidation with the other party is acheivable through open discussion.

It is disproportionate to lobby the government for matters that don't require Intervention and it is also demeaning to expose and undermind the integrity of the other party, to media exposure and litigation.

In my personal case against the Roman Catholic Church (Not Sexual Abuse), I believe in fairness and a calm approach towards consolidation.

There has to room for negotiation.

Flooding media channels with claims isn't the right way of dealing with any matter, be direct and honest about the event and talk the problem through quietly, there is no excuse for loudness.

I instigated an investigation using two state police branches back in 2003-2004 and it wasn't something I needed to advertise.

I approached the demons of the past head-on and in an effort to help me continue on with my life, I found that just by talking and recanting the issue with a mediator or third party, was helpful.

I have not engaged nor am I likely to use any part of the legal system to help ensue a compensation package for my benefit, it will be through a series of measures approved by the church, that will best determine the outcome.

Now that I have been flushed out and I am making a statement of Abuse known, can't you see that communication is the best and most resourceful key, you have as your defense.

Frank Burns
Western Australia  Legal firms circle child abuse probe as victims could swamp royal commission | The Australian

Introducing the new Chromebook

Although Google owners created High-Fibre-Cabling for faster Internet speeds across America, I feel that there may be pockets in remote locations that simply don't have access to anything.

As a way of promoting the new Chromebook and other Google services, I wonder if Larry and Sergey might think about putting a few mobile homes on the road, offering detailed maps and leaflets, explaining all that Google has to offer.

It would probably cost a little to get a few Googler's all set up for a road trip from Silicon Valley to Canada, but imagine how much positive feedback could ensue from such a bold adventure.

Collectively, everyone who participates in this would have an endless stream of fun and memorable photos to add to Google Groups on their return?

If it hasn't been done before, why not?

Introducing the new Chromebook

Monday, February 18, 2013

Baby Styles, Imprints and Designs

To increase higher sales in Manchester, I have a simple idea which I would like to put forward to all Bedding Manufacturer's and Designers. Rather than just selling plain or fitted sheets, say for Toddlers, why not use a graphic designer to imprint a photo of the baby and have it personally printed at cost, to the families who want that style. Additionally, the same applies for a husand and wife, they submit their photos to your store and you arrange to have their Image impregnated on pillow slips and also on sheets and covers. This simple idea would be a hit for newly weds and for special occasions. The possibilities are endless when you think about what you could do, to bring in higher yields and create a stream of endless 'Baby Memories' you could cherish a lifetime over.

The Chrome Vaults:

Here is a suggestion that might bolster Google's profits with unparalled results. If companies consider using Cloud Services to store their financial records, transactions, employee stats, contacts and business venture information in a secure "Chrome Vault" on the cloud, they could update their records for safe keeping. Google engineers could develop an 'upgrade product' as a #Chrome extension, built into a package, business owners would pay for in order to secure a (Chrome Vault). The
Chrome extension
would allow business owner's to update their information privately. Each Chrome extension would have its own (API KEY) with a Signed Key, downloaded to the company after purchase of Google's Cloud Service. The only pre-requisite for every company who elects to secure a vault, would be to convert over to using just the #Chrome Browser. Any other browser would not qualify for this type of Cloud application. I make this suggestion based upon the One Million Dollars set aside for #Chrome ideas that have not been thought of previously, and I am now ready to receive a payment from Sergey Brin and Larry Page, if this suggestion is worthy. There is a Time for Giving but in a two-fold example, there has to also be a Time for receiving.

Real Estate & Google Map Package:

When selling a New or used House, consider creating maps for shopping, schools, hospitals, police, fire, emergency services, transportation and POI's using #chrome and Google Maps. Locking in the geo-co-ordinates and downloading the maps to a home computer and/or gps from the physical location of each property, will greatly enhance each Sale. Using Google's technology and excellent mapping features, you could work out the cost, driving range and time to work out a planned route to and from schools, shopping and ancillary services the whole family will enjoy! Either do the mapping before the sale or offer it as an alternative package, after the sale has been met. The #maps can be easily downloaded onto a home computer or vehicle gps that would help orientate and settle a family into their new location. Good for families and Good for Google? The Real Estate Industry would change overnight and you would set a new platform from which they could launch their Sales using #Chrome and Google Maps.

Where is consumer choice?

Hands up to all those consumers who bought a new laptop or home computer with Microsoft Windows Installed! Did we actually pay thousands for a machine that we own outright and what is this nonsense, that we must have Windows Digitally Signed? Did Microsoft imagine that they were the Owners of our computers and did they even ask us first, if we wanted to allow their software on our computers at all? Where is consumer choice? And I think as a consumer, Microsoft should pay every computer owner/buyer for the right to have their software running on our machines. After all, we are #promoting their arbitary software for their sole benefit! Time for the Rules to Change, we will have Linux and Ubuntu to look forward to as an operating system and finally, we can have more choice in how we use and operate our investment.

Daggers, Political Claw's, Innuendo's & a non bi-partisan Arm of Support from within Australian Political Arena's:

What brought on the eroding cocktail of political abuse that has seen a strong leader in both economics and growth, reach a stage of decay and fallout? Why are the Australian voter's losing faith in Labor, when after all, in the last Federal Election we all wanted to see the end of the #Liberal-Party and the divisional betrayl of in-house faction fighting and political mud slinging aimed at John Howard. Weren't we overwhelmingly satisfied to have a new "breadth of Life" back in Australian politics, when we voted in favor of Labor! So, what's changed in 2013? There will always be shortcomings in politics, especially when those opposite seek nothing better than to derail a stable Government! It is a reflection of themselves as we look back at how poorly the liberals conducted their 'Puppeteering Show' and how they simply "lost the plot", by undermining the economic and strategic significance of John Howard, his degree of Law and his political Integrity and Wisdom? Why has the Liberal Party lost the power of Respect within Australian politics! How do we fare to other countries in relation to the way we conduct our political debates and I ask, if we were to be rated based upon our bi-partisan approach in the way politics should be run in Australia, we would most likely find ourselves with a very poor rating indeed? Julia Gillard has matured significantly during her term of Office, she has been instrumental in delivering a sustainable approach towards middle and low-Income families, Introducing wide sweeping changes to the Australian landscape of politics with future expected growth from our trading partners, and as a mother, she has restored many services to everyday Australian families with better education and future prospects for our growing nation. How many of you voters out there, gained a financial advantage since labor got into office? How many of You have turned the other cheek in favor for a better Australia under the Liberals? Can we really hope or expect to trust a broken minsterial group ("Liberal Party") that almost brought our "Lucky Country" to it's knee's when they held the rein's of power? Are we that stupid, that we are prepared to drop our guard after all that we discovered about how the liberals almost derailed our economic structures and why we felt, as voters, that it was in the Interest's of all Australians, to find a stronger balance of political stability ... hence, Labor was our Choice! As soon as the campaign promotions ceased, out came the 'Daggers & Claws' where we have witnessed a gross barrage of mud-slinging during Question Time? What ever happened to Ministerial Respect and amalgamation from both sides of politics, it is to make our country much stronger, Right? We should never oppose nor should we underestimate the integrity of what each side of politics has to offer, as a contribution towards how well we maintain business economics, sustainable growth factors, human resources and future expenditures based upon present day predictions? How can we be expected to learn from our mistakes, if at the same time, we are blatantly and unreservedly targetted by those opposite! Take for Example, a unified approach towards American politics and how the people, rallied with their Faith in Barack Obama. They realised that just one term of Office allowed for the implementation of 'wide- sweeping-reforms' under the Obama Administration and that it would take another four years, to see the real value of Change come into play. It is the same here in Australia, and we should rally with all our Faith and Respect with admiration, at how well Julia Gillard and her Minister's have carried Australia forward during the Global Recession! Leadership and Qualities: Do we just base the political scale in favor of daily performances by the Gillard Government or do we invest in the quality of her Leadership for the 'Long Haul'? It has little to do with who holds the seat of power, other than how well the country improves. We have seen many good changes under Labor and it would be to our detriment, to lay our Trust in those opposite! What have the Liberal's done towards improving our Economic stability since Labor took office? How well formed have the Liberals become since their earlier days of fragmentation? China, Spain, Italy, France and the USA as well as other countries are hurting because of the Global Recession and the standards we have come to appreciate now, right here in Australia today, are the results of one very brave and gutsy Lady who wont leave politics without a Fight! What could we possibly hope to acheive or gain, if we dump Labor now as our fiscal ecomomy is at it's strongest? What is it that voter's are really after, "strong politics" or a "pre-defined Australia" in their Image? I am Blinding, (glaucoma), but I am not blinded by who is best for Australian Politics and of the future prospects of everyday working Australians and their Families. Choose, but "Choose Wisely" as Your Decision at the next Federal Election will impact upon the lives of ordinary Australian's who depend upon the insight of a stable Government! #AUSpol By, Frank B. Burns dofollowuntacticcal000@gmail.com

Saturday, February 2, 2013

frank burns Google+ Statistics

Being that we share our Information with Google, I endorse the availability of such with Law Enforcement Agencies.

Since 9/11 the social landscape in how we use media and their platforms have changed dynamically and it is imperative that we allow government agencies to monitor our online behavioural patterns.

What might just be said in a 'fleeting comment' might hold security connotations that, unless monitored, might hold dire consequences for urban and global initiatives.

We forfeit our 'Online privacy' simply by being too relaxed in the way and manner we share our personal Information and it is therefore, freely available for anyone to disseminate. We are vulnerable to any form of attack whether verbal or otherwise, and we do need to look beyond the way we have communicated in the past.

The social-media environment changes every single day, what comfort do we have if we are singled out and targeted by unscrupulous characters whose only intent is to do us harm?

Yes, by all means possible, I encourage other Google and non-Google users to allow a little more transparency with Law Enforcement and Governments if we are to continue to build better and safer social-media-platforms for the future.

frank burns Google+ Statistics

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

quintly - Track And Benchmark Your Facebook Pages And Twitter Profiles

quintly - Track And Benchmark Your Facebook Pages And Twitter Profiles

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Monday, January 7, 2013

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ScienceDaily: Alternative Fuel News

When I purchased a product a few years ago, I had the option of selling it as a 7-part course but then I thought about how useful it would be, to provide Information related to #Alternative_Fuels for free.

Looking deeper into our dwindling fossil fuel resources and the manner in which we consume petroleum based products, I just wanted to help Industries with relevant information that may have contributed towards a lessening of carbon pollution.

It was a No-Fuss attempt to allow our greatest thinker's to find alternatives in Fuel-Cell-Research, Ethanol created by using corn, to how Hydrogen is used at freezing temperatures to fuel our Space Rockets.

It was all a little out of my league, but we do have to find real solutions and alternatives.

In the days of George. W. Bush, this topic was on the highest agenda.

Even such people as Al Gore were deeply concerned with the way we were over consuming.

I still retain my files and I would rather share them if they are useful, rather than over saturate the web with outdated material.

ScienceDaily: Alternative Fuel News